Within the series Myōjin Yahiko refers to Kenshin and the individuals allied with him as Team Kenshin (剣心組, Kenshin-gumi?, literally "Group of Kenshin," the editors of the English-languages volumes stated that they translated the phrase as "Team Kenshin" "rather playfully" for their purposes).

Himura Kenshin is the titular "Rurouni" (wanderer) and main character of the series. He is twenty-eight years old and is formerly known as the Hitokiri Battōsai[note 2], a deadly man-slayer who slaughtered many men in the war before the Meiji era. Kenshin's fighting style is Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū, now an ancient study. With this dangerous sword style, he uses his Sakabatō (A sword with a reversed edge) to restrain himself from killing anyone ever again, and renounces the title Hitokiri. He meets Kaoru and develops feelings for her.

Name:Blade Side: Dragons
Himura Kenshin accidentally killed the girl he was married to (Yukishiro Tomoe) when she suddenly stepped in between Kenshin and his opponent, hoping to save Kenshin's life. In the manga, the knife that Tomoe was wielding falls from her grasp when she is wounded and it cuts Kenshin's left cheek, finishing the familiar cross-shaped scar. In the OVA, as Tomoe lay dying in Kenshin's arms, she purposefully makes the cut across the initial one. Either way, this is seen as poetic since the first cut Kenshin received on his cheek was from Tomoe's first fiance when he died as Kenshin was carrying out one of his assassination assignments. Kenshin only found out much later that Tomoe was engaged to another and that he was the one who killed him.

Appearance: anime guy

Random Guy with Swordz by

Tattoo 2010 Cool Anime Guys

Brown Warrior Sword Anime Guy
Himura Kenshin is the titular "Rurouni" (wanderer) and main character of the series. He is twenty-eight years old and is formerly known as the Hitokiri Battōsai[note 2], a deadly man-slayer who slaughtered many men in the war before the Meiji era. Kenshin's fighting style is Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū, now an ancient study. With this dangerous sword style, he uses his Sakabatō (A sword with a reversed edge) to restrain himself from killing anyone ever again, and renounces the title Hitokiri. He meets Kaoru and develops feelings for her.
Name:Blade Side: Dragons
Himura Kenshin accidentally killed the girl he was married to (Yukishiro Tomoe) when she suddenly stepped in between Kenshin and his opponent, hoping to save Kenshin's life. In the manga, the knife that Tomoe was wielding falls from her grasp when she is wounded and it cuts Kenshin's left cheek, finishing the familiar cross-shaped scar. In the OVA, as Tomoe lay dying in Kenshin's arms, she purposefully makes the cut across the initial one. Either way, this is seen as poetic since the first cut Kenshin received on his cheek was from Tomoe's first fiance when he died as Kenshin was carrying out one of his assassination assignments. Kenshin only found out much later that Tomoe was engaged to another and that he was the one who killed him.
Appearance: anime guy
Random Guy with Swordz by
Tattoo 2010 Cool Anime Guys
Brown Warrior Sword Anime Guy
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