15 Kasım 2011 Salı

Starship Troopers Brain Bug

The story follows a young soldier named Johnny Rico and his exploits in the Mobile Infantry, a futuristic military unit. Rico's military career progresses from recruit to non-commissioned officer and finally to officer against the backdrop of an interstellar war between mankind and an arachnoid species known as "the Bugs".

Starship Troopers Brain Bug

Starship Troopers was nominated for an Academy Award (visual effects) in 1998. The film has attracted controversy and criticism for its social and political themes, which some critics claim promote militarism or even fascism. Director Paul Verhoeven says his satirical use of irony and hyperbole is "playing with fascism or fascist imagery to point out certain aspects of American society... of course, the movie is about 'Let's all go to war and let's all die.'"

Movie Monsters: Brain Bug

In the future the spacefaring human Federation has encountered a hostile species of insects, the Arachnids or "Bugs," whose homeworld is the distant planet Klendathu and who contend with the humans for possession of other planets. In the Federation, citizenship is not a birthright: it is a privilege granted to those who better society or risk their lives by serving in the military, and citizens are granted many opportunities that are limited for non-citizens. Athlete John "Johnny" Rico, his girlfriend Carmen Ibanez, and best friend Carl Jenkins attend high school in Buenos Aires; after graduation all three decide to enlist in Federation service. Carmen (who excelled academically) and Carl (who is mildly psychic and participates in Federal studies in that area) are assigned prestigious positions in the military, while the less studious Rico is sent to boot camp for training in the Mobile Infantry. Their paths diverge as Carmen becomes a commissioned officer and pilot for the Fleet, while Carl is assigned to Military Intelligence.


NUFC Match Reports

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assets such as Brain bugs

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